Source code for autofmu.generator

"""Utilities for generating valid Functional Mockup Units."""

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, Union
from uuid import uuid4
from zipfile import ZipFile

import pandas
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from lxml import etree

from autofmu import __version__
from autofmu.strategies import (
from autofmu.utils import compile_fmu, slugify

[docs]def generate_model_description( model_name: str, model_identifier: str, guid: str, inputs: Iterable[str], outputs: Iterable[str], ) -> etree.ElementTree: """Generate a valid FMI 2.0 model description XML document. Arguments: model_name: name of the model as used in the modeling environment model_identifier: short class name according to C syntax, for example, "A_B_C" guid: globaly unique identifier that identifies this model inputs: variable input names outputs: variable output names Returns: Valid FMI 2.0 model description XML document """ root = etree.Element( "fmiModelDescription", attrib={ "fmiVersion": "2.0", "modelName": model_name, "guid": guid, "generationTool": f"autofmu {__version__}", "generationDateAndTime": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), }, ) # Model exchange model_exchange = etree.SubElement( root, "ModelExchange", {"modelIdentifier": model_identifier}, ) sourcefiles = etree.SubElement(model_exchange, "SourceFiles") etree.SubElement(sourcefiles, "File", {"name": f"{model_identifier}.c"}) # Co simulation co_simulation = etree.SubElement( root, "CoSimulation", {"modelIdentifier": model_identifier}, ) sourcefiles = etree.SubElement(co_simulation, "SourceFiles") etree.SubElement(sourcefiles, "File", {"name": f"{model_identifier}.c"}) # Log categories log_categories = etree.SubElement(root, "LogCategories") etree.SubElement(log_categories, "Category", {"name": "logAll"}) etree.SubElement(log_categories, "Category", {"name": "logError"}) etree.SubElement(log_categories, "Category", {"name": "logFmiCall"}) etree.SubElement(log_categories, "Category", {"name": "logEvent"}) # Model variables and model structure model_variables = etree.SubElement(root, "ModelVariables") model_structure = etree.SubElement(root, "ModelStructure") model_structure_outputs = etree.SubElement(model_structure, "Outputs") model_structure_initial_unknowns = etree.SubElement( model_structure, "InitialUnknowns", ) for index, variable in enumerate(inputs, 1): scalar_variable = etree.SubElement( model_variables, "ScalarVariable", {"name": variable, "valueReference": str(index), "causality": "input"}, ) etree.SubElement(scalar_variable, "Real", {"start": "0.0"}) for index, variable in enumerate(outputs, len(list(inputs)) + 1): scalar_variable = etree.SubElement( model_variables, "ScalarVariable", {"name": variable, "valueReference": str(index), "causality": "output"}, ) etree.SubElement(scalar_variable, "Real") etree.SubElement( model_structure_outputs, "Unknown", {"index": str(index), "dependencies": ""}, ) etree.SubElement( model_structure_initial_unknowns, "Unknown", {"index": str(index)}, ) return etree.ElementTree(root)
[docs]def generate_model_source( guid: str, inputs: Iterable[str], outputs: Iterable[str], strategy: str, result: Union[LinearRegressionResult, LogisticRegressionResult], ) -> str: """Generate a valid FMI 2.0 C source code implementation. Arguments: guid: globaly unique identifier that identifies this model inputs: variable input names outputs: variable output names result: a result from an approximation calculation Returns: Valid C source code that implements the FMI """ env = Environment( block_start_string="/*%", block_end_string="%*/", variable_start_string="/**", variable_end_string="**/", loader=FileSystemLoader(Path(__file__).parent / "sources"), autoescape=True, ) template = env.get_template("fmi2Functions.c") return template.render( { "guid": guid, "inputs": inputs, "outputs": outputs, "strategy": strategy, "result": result, } )
[docs]def generate_fmu( dataframe: pandas.DataFrame, model_name: str, inputs: Iterable[str], outputs: Iterable[str], outfile: Path, strategy: str, ) -> None: """Generate a valid FMU model. Arguments: dataframe: dataframe that contains the data used for the approximation model_name: name of the model as used in the modeling environment inputs: variable input names outputs: variable output names outfile: path to the file to write the FMU strategy: strategy to use to find the approximation (e.g, "linear") """ model_identifier = slugify(model_name) guid = str(uuid4()) with ZipFile(outfile, "w") as fmu: # Write model description to the FMU zip file model_description = generate_model_description( model_name, model_identifier, guid, inputs, outputs ) fmu.writestr( "modelDescription.xml", etree.tostring(model_description, pretty_print=True), ) # Write header files to the FMU zip file headers = (Path(__file__).parent / "sources" / "headers").glob("**/*.h") for header in headers: fmu.write(str(header), f"sources/headers/{}") # Write source files to the FMU zip file if strategy == "linear": result = linear_regression(dataframe, inputs, outputs) # type: ignore elif strategy == "logistic": result = logistic_regression(dataframe, inputs, outputs) # type: ignore model_source = generate_model_source( guid=guid, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, strategy=strategy, result=result, ) fmu.writestr("sources/fmi2Functions.c", model_source) # Compile the generated source files compile_fmu(model_identifier, outfile)